FIIDS Event at Silicon Valley
November 2023 268 views 13 mins 42 secsWatch the highlights of the recent FIIDS event in Silicon Valley, featuring insights from prominent figures such as Consul General of India Dr. Srikar Reddy, Israel's Deputy Consul General Matan Zamir, and entrepreneur Raju Reddy. FIIDS Founding Director, Mr. Khanderao Kand, discusses significant insights from the advocacy campaign on Capitol Hill, covering key policy issues. Silicon Valley entrepreneur Raju Reddy highlights the influential role of Indian American startups and entrepreneurs in shaping policy reforms. Witness the celebration's journalism milestone with the inaugural excellence award presented to Mr. Lalit Jha. Explore the comprehensive discussion about the future of the Indian diaspora and its global alliances, highlighting the critical role of organisations like FIIDS in reflecting the community's interests.
- Tags:
- IndianDiaspora
- AdvocacyLeadership
- SiliconValleyEvent
- IndianDiasporaEvent
- Indian American
- Indian Politics
- Indian Community
- Indian Community Event
- FIIDS Event
- Silicon Valley
- Silicon Valley News
- News
- Latest News
- Latest News Update
- Indo Pacific
- Indo Pacific Strategy
- Indo Pacific Region
- Immigration
- Immigration Challenges
- Immigration News
- India US Relations
- India US News
- India USA
- India USA Partnership
- Immigration News
- US Immigration
- US Green Card