
Two Indian-origin students win Pitch challenges at Purdue

The two-minute pitches had to propose solutions to address persistent problems in space and on earth.

Suryansh Panwar (L) and Ayush Karkare / LinkedIn

Purdue University students participated in the Moonshot Pitch Challenge, an ideation-focused event where they presented two-minute pitches proposing solutions to address persistent problems in space and on earth. Two students of Indian origin, Suryansh Panwar and Ayush Karkare bagged first place in their respective categories. The first-place winners were awarded $1,500 in cash prizes.

Suryansh Panwar, an applied statistics student in the College of Science at Purdue University bagged first place in the Moonshot category and Best Pitch with Empyrean Energy, a company that focuses on harnessing solar power from space for continuous and zero-emission energy on Earth.

Their approach aimed to provide global access to sustainable energy while contributing to environmental preservation. Moonshot ideas are projects or initiatives that primarily focus on solving seemingly impossible problems or addressing significant challenges.

“Giving the pitch in two minutes was difficult, but our focus was mainly on providing quality. I plan on going to the new-venture challenge next semester,” Panwar said.

Ayush Karkare, a student in the First-Year Engineering program at the College of Engineering, won first place in the Earth category with BioVolt, a project that generates electricity using photosynthesis.

The biophotovoltaic panel employed by BioVolt not only creates energy but also has the unique capability of erasing carbon emissions during the energy generation process. Earth Ideas typically refer to projects or initiatives that are focused on addressing socioeconomic needs and challenges on Earth.

“It took a lot of effort to present; I practiced for hours and hours. The product was the perfect culmination because we’ve been working on the same project for a long time, which made it easier to pitch,” Karkare said.









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