
Over 100 rights groups condemn rising Hindu supremacy in the US

The organizations include the AAPI Equity Alliance, FIACONA, IAMC, and many others.

The organizations advocate for the United States government to prioritize human rights and democracy / Hindus for Human Rights

Over 100 civil society organizations have jointly issued a declaration expressing serious concern over the alarming rise of Hindu supremacy, also known as Hindutva or Hindu nationalism, in the United States. They highlight that the Hindu Right has formed a deepening alliance with various segments of the American far-right.

“We, the undersigned organizations and individuals, express our acute concern about the alarming rise of Hindu supremacy, also known as Hindutva or Hindu nationalism, in the United States,” they said in a declaration. 

“This political ideology, which was first articulated in the early 20th century with direct inspiration from Nazism, Fascism and other ideologies of racial subjugation, now finds itself in a deepening alliance with various facets of the American far-right. Hindu supremacy poses a growing threat to our core values of democracy, pluralism and justice, both in India and here in the United States.”

The organizations affirm their solidarity with Savera, a new united front representing the true Indian-American majority. Savera has brought together an interfaith, multiracial, anti-caste coalition of organizations and activists to resist supremacist politics of all kinds, as stated in the declaration.

“The deeply anti-Muslim project of Hindu supremacy began and continues to function as a dominant caste project, and its history is littered with examples of violence against Muslims and other religious minorities, caste-oppressed groups and indigenous peoples,” the declaration said. “The Hindu supremacist movement is not only harmful to Indian, South Asian and Muslim Americans, but runs deeply counter to our values of collective liberation. It is our shared responsibility to stand in solidarity with those who are bravely opposing supremacist politics and fighting for a true multiracial democracy. Hindu supremacy deeply concerns us all, and we are committed to combating it,” it added. 

The organizations have pledged to reject all forms of hatred and supremacist politics, including Hindu supremacy. They aim to educate themselves about the ideology and global presence of the Hindu supremacist movement, as well as its intersections with the broader far-right. Additionally, they stand in solidarity with efforts to combat Islamophobia and caste discrimination, supporting movements to address anti-Muslim hate and ban caste discrimination in the United States.









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