
Indian-origin student bags Wood Legacy Junior Prize

Pratap is pursuing a major in neuroscience and minors in creative writing and gender and sexuality studies.

Anurag Pratap. / Image - LinkedIn @AnuragPratap

The George B. Wood Legacy Junior Prize for 2023 has been awarded to Indian-origin Princeton University student, Anurag Pratap. This prestigious prize is bestowed upon senior class members in acknowledgement of their outstanding academic performance during their junior year.

Pratap hails from Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey, and is an alumnus of Hasbrouck Heights High School. He is affiliated with Mathey College at Princeton University and is pursuing a major in neuroscience. According  to a University statement,  Pratap’s senior thesis delves into the examination of how the cerebellum impacts plasticity in the neocortex.

In addition to his major, he is also working towards minors in creative writing and gender and sexuality studies. Besides his academic pursuits, Pratap serves as an undergraduate course assistant for organic chemistry and works as an image cataloguer for Art Hx.

He also actively participates in the Climate & Inclusion Committee of the Princeton Neuroscience Institute and takes on the role of a peer mentor for new Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse America (LEDA) scholars on the Princeton University campus.

Pratap's creative writing thesis is an intriguing collection of poems that explore the intricate connection between inanimate and quiet materials such as cotton, silk, indigo dye, perfume, and plastic. Through these poems, he contemplates the underlying assumptions about personhood, race, and gender, offering a unique and thought-provoking perspective on these subjects.

During the summer, Pratap undertook an internship at Yale University School of Medicine as a clinical research assistant, a valuable experience facilitated through the Princeton Internships in Civic Service (PICS) program.









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