
Foreign Policy profiles Indian American lawmaker Raja Krishnamoorthi

Krishnamoorthi's is the first South Asian ever to lead a U.S. Congressional Committee as Chair or Ranking Member.

Raja Krishnamoorthi /

Foreign Policy magazine has featured a profile on Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, highlighting his leadership of the Select Committee on the Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party.

Formed in February of this year, the committee's primary focus is to investigate and formulate policies addressing the United States' economic, technological, and security competition with the Chinese Communist Party. Krishnamoorthi's appointment as Ranking Member marks him as the first South Asian ever to lead a U.S. Congressional Committee as Chair or Ranking Member.

“The Chinese Communist Party poses serious economic and security threats to the United States and to democracy and prosperity across the globe, illustrated by actions including its threats against Taiwan’s democracy and its theft of hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of American intellectual property,” Rep. Krishnamoorthi said.

“I am proud to work with my colleagues in both parties on this committee to counteract the CCP’s escalating aggression and ensure that our nation is prepared to overcome the economic and security challenges that the CCP presents to our country,” he added.

“In short, this is the beating heart of Congress’s policy agenda on China, giving Gallagher and Krishnamoorthi outsized voices on what most in Washington consider the new, defining US foreign-policy challenge. What the committee sets its sights on next is a good indication of where US policy will go,” Foreign Policy, which also profiled Congressman Mike Gallagher wrote in the joint profile.

In response to being featured in the prestigious magazine, Krishnamoorthi said in a post on X, “It's a pleasure working with Gallagher to tackle the challenges posed by the CCP head-on. A lot of good has come from our bipartisan efforts already, and I look forward to seeing what else we will accomplish together in the future.”









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