Biden Escalates Ukraine War

Dear Editor,

Though America has fought many wars since WWII as super power, its policy has been to restrain wars in other parts of the world. One of the reasons for NATO was to constrain Russia’s spread of its empire in Europe.

After Russia invaded Ukraine two years ago, America has maintained this restraint and has not given lethal weapons to Ukraine until now. But soon after Biden lost the election, he has made changes to the America’s long standing policy and agreed to provide long-range missiles to Ukraine. 

When Trump was elected the first time, people said he was going to start WWIII. Now that the election result has come in with an easy victory for Trump at 312 to 226, Biden decides to escalate the war in Ukraine for the last couple of months of his presidency. This shows that the Democrats were never really sincere about all the WWIII rhetoric. 

By taking such a measure at the end of his mandate (though too late) Biden has expressed two intentions. Escalate the Ukraine war which may lead to WWIII thus leaving the hardest mess for president elect Trump who has promised peace in Europe and Middle-East after he takes office. Or he wants the US and its European allies to be involved in a full scale war with Russia and its allies to liberate Ukraine (because he will soon lose power to do it).

Girish Modi

Decatur, GA
