
26-Feb-2024 - 03-Mar-2024

You are heading towards a period in which you will have many work and, therefore, economic opportunities, Aries. Think about your goals and open your eyes wide to recognize them and take advantage of them. A certain astral conjunction helps you increase your ability to adapt to changes and new situations. Your intuition will be very sharp, so if you have to decide something, trust your inner voice more than anyone else's advice. You will have the judgment and the ability to face any problem and come out of it brilliantly. Do not embark on an enterprise that is proposed to you; it may be very tempting, but it is also very risky. In love, do not let yourself be carried away by the reviews of envious people who could make you jealous. Do not believe a word of their gossip and control your desire to make a scene because your partner could be hurt by your doubts and your attitude and you could risk alienating him.