
26-Feb-2024 - 03-Mar-2024

You will have a very positive week in the field of work, Aquarius, and you could be in for a nice surprise. Every time there has been an internal promotion in your company, you have wanted to take steps to achieve it but you have never acted because you thought it was useless and that you would not be taken into account. But now you know for a fact that your superiors have noticed you and that you have significant support. This will boost your morale significantly. However, you should refine some aspects of your character, such as always wanting to be right and not listening to the advice of more experienced people. Listen to the advice of others, also in the financial field. If you turn a deaf ear and follow your own path, you could lose money. In love, you do not listen to your partner when he/she tries to inform you and then complain that he/she does not tell you anything. It is up to you to solve this problem.