
Students of STEM: Free tutoring program

  • 10 Aug 2023
  • 02:08 AM
  • San Francisco, California


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Did you know?

Fewer than half of all high schools in the US offer computer science classes

Over 3.5 million STEM-related jobs will be unfilled in 2025

Students in low-income areas lack access to STEM education

Where we come in

At Students of STEM, our mission is to teach math, coding, and problem-solving skills to kids for free! In today’s innovative world, we believe strong foundations in math and technology are vital for the next generation. By connecting experienced high school tutors with children in need, we aim to build a community of learners aspiring to meet the world with purpose.

At the moment, we offer free Python classes, free Scratch classes, and free Challenge Math classes. More information about each of the classes can be found here. If you would like us to teach a subject that is not currently offered, please reach out to us and we would be more than happy to help!

Help your kid learn the skills of tomorrow, today!

Help your child learn the skills such as math, coding, analytical thinking, and problem-solving for FREE

Scratch Programming

Build foundational programming and logic skills by building projects and games in Scratch

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Python Programming

Learn to write concise and logical code for projects in Python

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Math & Problem Solving

Apply analytical thinking and logical reasoning skills by solving math problems from popular contests

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Schedule a class for FREE

Students of STEM needs your help!

Students of STEM is a volunteer-run, non-profit organization. As a non-profit organization, we do not charge users for any of our services! Donations and volunteers allow us to keep our tutoring services free of charge. Additionally, it will help us pursue future endeavors/expansions that can promote our mission of providing free, high-quality STEM education for all. To help us keep Students of STEM free and easily accessible, please consider donating or volunteering today!

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration and support!

Apply to volunteer


Register for our email list!

By registering, we will send you updates regarding class openings and other changes so you can be the first to take advantage of them! We will not spam your email, and communications will be limited to those which are important. Please reach out to us at if you have any questions!

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